Networked intelligence and Distributed Security
Networked intelligence and Distributed Security (NiDS) Lab’s vision is to advance the design and security of networked and distributed systems through cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. We aim to develop innovative technologies that ensure robust, scalable, and secure knowledge convergence across various platforms, fostering safer cyber-physical environments for scientific and technological progress.
Research Area & Recent Outcome
- Cyber-phsical System Security: Coming Soon!
- Distributed System & Security: [USENIX SECURITY 2024]
- In-Network Security: [ISOC NDSS 2025] [ISOC NDSS 2023] [ACM CCS 2022]
- Probablitic (Sketch) Algorithm: [DSN 2022] [INFOCOM 2020a]
- Malware Analysis: [WISE 2024] [RAID 2022] [TDSC 2022] [ICDCS 2020]
- AI & ML Applicaitons: [NIPS 2022] [INFOCOM 2020b]
Current Members
- Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Mirnajafizadeh, Ph.D. Student, 2022
- Seungsam Yang, Ph.D. Student, 2023
- Fatima Kamal Khaja, Ph.D. Student, 2024
- Sian Kim, Ph.D. Student, Co-advise with Prof. DaeHun Nyang, Ewha Womans University
- Ashwin Raam Sethuram (2024) \(\rightarrow\) WSU, Industrial Engineering, Ph.D. Program